Jazz Band is back!
Download your own complete, multi-part package of sheet music, recordings, and teacher guides–you get everything you need to re-energize your jazz ensemble, including complimentary coaching!
Easy to Play Experiences for Remote, Blended, and In-Class Learning
PlayTheGroove is helping music educators like you reactivate their jazz ensembles. If you are in a position to be teaching in person, blended or remotely, you need great songs that work as a gateway to learning. With this complete, multi-part packet, you get everything you need to re-energize your jazz ensemble in a post-pandemic learning environment.
The Full Package Includes:
- Sheet music for any and all instruments – 17 parts for full and mixed ensembles
- Master Recording: Complete with count-off
- Master Recording: Mix Minus Solos
- Teacher Guides to help you do the planning
- Fun Ways to Revitalize Rhythm-Section Based Ensemble
- Quickstart Guide to Improvisation,
- Complimentary coaching to address questions,
- Guides to Explore Global Music Genres in a safe place, along with a variety of teaching modes,
- Adaptating, Applying and Aligning to modern education thought (4-6 C’s, voice and choice, student-led, inquiry-based, process-over-product), and more!
Everyone Plays the Melody
PlayTheGroove is a new playground for discovery, growth, and musical exploration and creativity for remote, hybrid, or in-class situations.
Students Enjoy Practice
Reduces Student Dropouts
Every instrument plays beginning to end: more captivating and engaging than counting 37 bars of rests.
Engage youth in performance ensembles with music and music education methods that are relevant and accessible to them.
Get Your Students Playing… Today!
Smooth Talkin’
Degree of Challenge (DofC):
Highest Melody Note : Ab5
“Smooth Talkin” is a fun and engaging challenge at any level from middle school to advanced and beyond. This two-section composition creatures a rhythm section that conveys a bounce and energy without too many notes or technical challenges. A clear and rhythmic melody gives way to a solo section with solid chord changes to play for learning and for just plain fun! Eric Marienthal’s solo will give students a clinic on how to improvise in the “pocket,” as well as how to cleverly develop motivic ideas. It’s a rock/funk/R&B spirited groove with unlimited possibilities for emerging soloists.
Imagine your ensemble playing a cool, new tune in just a few days, and all the excitement it will generate!
This download includes:
Sheet music for ALL instruments in all keys.
Perfect for mixed instrumentation of all kinds!