Teacher’s & Students’
3-2-1 Song Choosing Activity
Survey and Listening Instructions

All: To participate in this interactive activity, you will need:

Step 1:  Be sure you have…

  1. Access to your teacher provided:
    1. 5-Digit PIN*
    2. Form Link for the Suggested Level of Challenge* (MEDIUM or MEDIUM-HARD)
    3. Assignment START date and DEADLINE date* 
  2. Internet & Audio capabilities* – earbuds or speakers are fine – check audio by playing a sample here (scroll down to songs).
  3. 15-20 uninterrupted minutes.
  4. A pseudonym (fake name or identifier) is optional. Your teacher will go over this with you.
  5. A desktop computer is suggested (need 2 tabs open).

Step 2:  You need to…

  1. Click on the Level of Challenge provided by your teacher. Either Medium (2-3), or Medium-Hard (3-4).
  2. Follow the written instructions on the form, as well as any provided by your teacher (ie. are you anonymous, or using a pseudonym?).
  3. As you proceed, review the songs and data slowly and mindfully.
  4. Submit the form.
The teacher will present the result when they deem fit (after the deadline most likely).

That's it!

Choose Level of Challenge

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